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Pack Basket Classes

Early spring is a good time to craft the tools you will use in your outdoor endeavors for the coming season.
Create your own custom durable pack basket to fit your body and your needs

Allagash River Trip, September 2023

The Allagash Wilderness Waterway is a 100-mile stretch of river and forest with a few old abandoned farm sites and cabins. It is a place that speaks both of the wilderness and of the people who once roamed and inhabited this spectacular region. The Allagash River will draw you into its corridors of tall trees through which the scent of balsam fir wafts gently with you as you dream along in your canoe. It is equally appealing for its open spaces and for the magical appearance of the Old Man in the Falls…the lovingly named image of an old Indian's face that stands out in the rocks beneath the waterfall. We begin this trip at Umsaskis Lake and journey to the Falls over the course of a few days. After that, we have the option of taking out below the Falls or travelling a short distance back up-river to take out at Michaud Farms (dependent on time and weather). You will find many written accounts of the Allagash River from those who have gone before us and been charmed by its splendor.

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